Type of Project
Art Direction, Print Design, Product Design, Thesis, UI/UX, Branding
Tools Used
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe XD
A Card game package to highlight the ideal self and the realistic self. It includes a physical game package (cards + guide book + special poster + reusuable bag), poster series as well as an app version of the game.
Art Direction, Print Design, Product Design, Thesis, UI/UX, Branding
Tools Used
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe XD
A Card game package to highlight the ideal self and the realistic self. It includes a physical game package (cards + guide book + special poster + reusuable bag), poster series as well as an app version of the game.
Wannawould is a card game to help you remind –if not, realize – “where you are in your life” versus “where do you want to be”.
For a given situation, you get to choose the response that seems the most ideal to you as well as one that you think youwould do realistically.
Your two answers might match or not. Whether they do or don’t, by just letting them out in the world and comapring, players can see the psychological distance between their ideal and the reality.
Being aware of this gap will allow you to engage with your life more proactively. It will tell you whether you are on the right path in terms of your behaviour and attitude towards life or will help you realize “who” – but not what –you want to be if you haven’t yet realized what your ideal is.
While playing the game, you can just enjoy getting to know yourself better and the discussions you may have if you’re playing with the others.
Everyone’s perspective on the world is different and people may develop layers of personas for various reasons. By taking this game as momentum, WANNAWOULD wants our players to understand and become self-confident about the fact that there are no right or wrong answers. Instead, there are just differences between each other and that one’s choice can always be someone else’s ideal. Through comparing your answers to the others, you might discover that what you thought was not so desirable, can also be the ‘right’
answer for someone you are playing this game with.
So, be confident and love yourself, regardless of how different you are from your ideal!
The project was inspired by a psychologist Carl Jung’s notion of Persona.
For adaptation or personal convenience, we “wear” layers of personas in our interaction with others in the society. How much of these masks we wear are
true and how much is not? Do we know ourselves right, and show ourselves the way we want us to be seen?
By highlighting your ideal chocies vs. to the realistic ones, WANNAWOULD provides a chance to be conscious of, and accept who we are – whether the desired selves or the undesired.
How are questions developed?
Two main philosophies in which the questions are based on are:
1. Myer Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
2. Eric Burne’s Transactional Analysis
These are chosen because they can support each other in explaining what actions are taken, how they are performed and why.
MBTI outlines and divides based on how one makes a decision, processes information, and builds a structure based on different preferences, while Transactional Analysis explains which ‘ego state’ is causing such behaviours.
Serok Selina Park